Friday, November 1, 2013

Active Boards

During class this past week we learned about how to use an Active Board. We also learned about how to use the application Active Inspire, along with the related site by Promethean Planet. In the classroom that I student teach in I have used an Activeboard, as well as in my TPTE 486 class. So, this was not my first experience with that. However, this was my first experience using the application Active Inspire and getting on Promethean Planet's site  .

On opening the Active Inspire application we learned how to do numerous things, similarly to how I learned many new things from the article my teacher had us read. In this article the author mentioned the amount of teachers that do not use the Active Board correctly, and it was really high. That shocked and saddened me, because if these teachers do not use it in the correct manner then the children are not benefiting from it as much as they could be.

Overall the article made me realize how important it is to use these piece of technology correctly in the classroom. I will definitely be very intentional when I am creating things for the classroom using active inspire. For this reason I am really glad that my teacher showed me how to use all the different tools. If you have an Active Board and do not know how to utilize the tools on Active Inspire I would advise that you reach out to another teacher, do a tutorial or take a class to help you. There is so much you can do with these boards, and this application. It is both very exciting and a little overwhelming in my opinion.

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